Animal License Support Document

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Dog Fees

Pet Dealer Permit = $25 – this is a flat fee to purchase the license, and all of this money is kept by the town.

Special License Fee = $30 for the first 10 dogs licensed under the special license, as well as $1 flat fee (not $1 per dog, $1 one time flat fee) to go to the state for the rabies program.

Eleven and more dogs are $3 per dog.

Regularly Registered Dog Fee = (neutered/spayed) at least $4 to the town, $3 for the vsnip program to the state, and $1 for the rabies program to the state.

(not neutered/spayed) at least $8 to the town, $3 for the vsnip program to the state, and $1 for the rabies program to the state.

State: James Cameron, 802-279-4962

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