Tax Administration

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3. Detail Transactions

Table of Contents

Detail Transactions



All Parcels

Pre-close Report


Click on "R. Reports Menu" off the Main Menu and the following window will appear:


Click on "3. Detail Transactions" on the Reports Menu and the following window will appear:

Detail Transactions


  1. Individual: Click on this option if you want this report to be for an Individual Parcel.
  2. Range: Click on this option if you want this report to be for a range of Parcels.
  3. All Parcels: Click on this option if you want this report be for All Parcels.
  4. Pre-close report: Click on this option if you want to have this be a Pre-close report. This option will print for accounts that have a zero balance and you plan to remove accounts with a zero balance when you close.

Refer to the section below that relates to your choice.


If you chose "Individual" the following window will appear:


  1. Select the Parcel you are seeking. For additional information on finding Parcels, refer to TA GENERAL PARCEL LOOKUPS.
  2. Tax Year (Blank for All): You may restrict this report for a single Tax Year.
  3. Show Detail Date Range (Blank for All): You may restrict this report to a range of transactional dates.
  4. Payment Detail OR Summarize All Payments: Payment detail will provide a report of all activities by original due dates. Summary will collapse activity by type (principal, interest, penalty, other and credit.)
  5. Show Payment Memos OR Suppress Payment Memos: This report may include memo's that were entered during "1. Cash Receipts" processing. Memo's often can contain information about the payment being made by someone other than the tax payer.
  6. Parcel Order OR Name Order: Select the order of reporting the Parcels. This does not matter for an Individual report.
  7. File: Click this button to save this report on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  8. Preview: Click this button to preview this report. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  9. Print: Click this button to print this report. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  10. Print Compressed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  11. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the previous menu.


If you chose "Range" the following window will appear:


  1. Select the Parcel you want to start with. For additional information on finding Parcels, refer to TA GENERAL PARCEL LOOKUPS.
  2. Select the Parcel you want to stop at. For additional information on finding Parcels, refer to TA GENERAL PARCEL LOOKUPS.
  3. Tax Year (Blank for All): You may restrict this report for a single Tax Year.
  4. Show Detail Date Range (Blank for All): You may restrict this report to a range of transactional dates.
  5. Payment Detail OR Summarize All Payments: Payment detail will provide a report of all activities by original due dates. Summary will collapse activity by type (principal, interest, penalty, other and credit.).
  6. Show Payment Memos OR Suppress Payment Memos: This report may include memo's that were entered during "Cash Receipts" processing. Memo's often can contain information about the payment being made by other than the tax payer.
  7. Parcel Order OR Name Order: Select the order of reporting the Parcels.
  8. File: Click this button to save this report on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  9. Preview: Click this button to preview this report. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  10. Print: Click this button to print this report. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  11. Print Compressed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  12. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the previous menu.

All Parcels

If you chose "All Parcels" the following window will appear:


  1. Tax Year (Blank for All): You may restrict this report for a single Tax Year.
  2. Show Detail Date Range (Blank for All): You may restrict this report to a range of transactional dates.
  3. Payment Detail OR Summarize All Payments: Payment detail will provide a report of all activities by original due dates. Summary will collapse activity by type (principal, interest, penalty, other and credit.).
  4. Show Payment Memos OR Suppress Payment Memos: This report may include memo's that were entered during "Cash Receipts" processing. Memo's often can contain information about the payment being made by other than the tax payer.
  5. Parcel Order OR Name Order: Select the order of reporting the Parcels.
  6. FoxPro Filter Expression:
  7. File: Click this button to save this report on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  8. Preview: Click this button to preview this report. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  9. Print: Click this button to print this report. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  10. Print Compressed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  11. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the previous menu.

Pre-close Report

If you chose "Pre-close Report" the following window will appear:


  1. Tax Year (Blank for All): You may restrict this report for a single Tax Year.
  2. Show Detail Date Range (Blank for All): You may restrict this report to a range of transactional dates.
  3. Report Tax Bills Paid in Full On or Before: This date should match the date chosen during year close for removal of accounts that have a zero balance as of that time. The best practice is to not remove any data for the last two complete fiscal years.
  4. Payment Detail OR Summarize All Payments: Payment detail will provide a report of all activities by original due dates. Summary will collapse activity by type (principal, interest, penalty, other and credit.).
  5. Show Payment Memos OR Suppress Payment Memos: This report may include memo's that were entered during "Cash Receipts" processing. Memo's often can contain information about the payment being made by other than the tax payer.
  6. Parcel Order OR Name Order: Select the order of reporting the Parcels.
  7. File: Click this button to save this report on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  8. Preview: Click this button to preview this report. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  9. Print: Click this button to print this report. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  10. Print Compressed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  11. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the previous menu.

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