Grand List Support Document

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R. Reports Menu: 4. Form 411


Click on "R. Reports Menu" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:


Click on "4. Form 411" from the Reports Menu and the following window will appear:

Form 411


  1. Print (Choose 2): Select which three details you want to appear on this report.
  2. Single Tax Rate: Select a single tax rate from the drop down menu. Only Parcels with this tax rate will appear on the report. This option is available only when a variable tax rate has been set up in "I. Installation Maintenance."
  3. Print contract, non-tax, spec. exempt reports: Additional informational sections that pertain to the Taxable Grand List are reported when this is checked off.
  4. District Select: Select the District range to include in this report.
  5. FoxPro Filter Expression: A conditional reporting expression developed with NEMRC support. This evaluates Parcel information to determine if the Parcel should be included. Contact NEMRC support to learn more about this option.
  6. Has inventory been exempted by vote of town/city?: If the inventory has been exempted, then select "Yes." If not, then select "No."
  7. Has machinery and equipment been exempted by vote of town/city?: If machinery and equipment have been exempted, select "Yes." If not, then select "No."
  8. What portion...?: If you selected "No" to item 7 then this question will ask how your town assesses business personal property. Select either Fair Market or Depreciated. If you selected "Yes" to item 7 then this question will ask what portion is exempted, in a percentage (example: 56.00%).
  9. Preview: Click this button to preview. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  10. Print Condensed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  11. Print: Click this button to print. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  12. File: Click this button to save on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  13. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the Reports Menu.

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