Grand List Support Document

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R. Reports Menu: H. Export Data


Click on "R. Reports Menu" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:


Click on "H. Export Data" from the Reports Menu and the following window will appear:

Export Data

The "General" tab


  1. Real Estate OR Personal OR Both: Select whether this export will be for Real Estate, Personal, or Both.
  2. Equipment OR Inventory OR Both: Select whether this export will be for Equipment, Inventory, or Both.
  3. Individual OR Range OR All Parcels: Select whether this export will be for an Individual Parcel, Range of Parcels, or All Parcels.
  4. Order: Parcel # OR Owner: Select which order this export will created in.
  5. Single Tax Rate: Select a single tax rate from the drop down menu. Only Parcels with this tax rate will appear on the report. This option is available only when a variable tax rate has been set up in "I. Installation Maintenance."
  6. District Select: Select the District range to include in this report.
  7. R: Residential: Check this box to restrict the report to all R1 and R2 type listings.
  8. MH: Mobile Home: Check this box to restrict the report to all MHU and MHL type listings.
  9. V: Vacation: Check this box to restrict the report to all V1 and V2 type listings.
  10. FoxPro Filter Expression: A conditional reporting expression developed with NEMRC support. This evaluates Parcel information to determine if the Parcel should be included. Contact NEMRC support to learn more about this option.
  11. Start with: This will appear if you chose "Individual" or "Range" in item 3. Choose the Parcel you wish to start with.
  12. End with: This will appear if you chose "Range" in item 3. Choose the Parcel you wish to end with.
  13. Print Condensed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  14. File: Click this button to save on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  15. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the Reports Menu.

The "Fields" tab


  1. Select All: Click this button to select every field.
  2. Clear All: Click this button to un-select every field.
  3. Flip All: Click this button to un-select any field that is selected, and select any field that is un-selected.
  4. Print Condensed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  5. Export: Click this button to Export. The window shown below will appear.


This window will appear after you click "Export." Choose whether you want to see a preview report for what was Exported, or if you want to Print a report of what was Exported.

  1. Preview: Click this button to preview. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  2. Print: Click this button to print. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.

After you choose which Report method you want, the following window will appear:


If you want to Export Grand List to a diskette (or CD) then insert the diskette/CD now, then click "OK." If you want to Export Grand List to a flash-drive, just click "OK."

The following window will appear:


  1. Save in: Locate the folder to Export to.
  2. File name: Type the File name to save the Export as into the "File name:" field.
  3. Save as type: Select what type of file to save this Export as, by using the drop down list next to "Save as type:"
  4. Save: Click "Save" when you are finished.
  5. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel the Export.

The Report method that you selected earlier will now take place.

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