Grand List Support Document

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R. Reports Menu: O. Compare other Grand List


Click on "R. Reports Menu" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:


Click on "O. Compare other Grand List" from the Reports Menu and the following window will appear:

Compare other Grand List


  1. Entity to compare to: Select which entity to compare this Grand List to.
  2. Values to compare: Select which value is to be compared in this report.
  3. Sort: Select how this report should sort the Parcels.
  4. FoxPro Filter Expression: A conditional reporting expression developed with NEMRC support. This evaluates Parcel information to determine if the Parcel should be included. Contact NEMRC support to learn more about this option.
  5. Preview: Click this button to preview. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  6. Print Condensed: Click this button to print the report. This is different from the "Print" option in that it will use less paper for the same report.
  7. Print: Click this button to print. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  8. File: Click this button to save on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  9. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the Reports Menu.

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