NEMRC Cloud Services
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NEMRC Cloud Services is a new offering to NEMRC clients. NEMRC will host and maintain a server environment for all NEMRC applications. This system is accessed over broadband internet connection and is optimized to run NEMRC applications faster than most new on premises server setups.
- Accessible from any authorized location
- High security
- No need for local server hardware
- Compatible with any local printer including cash receipt printers
- Compatible with all NEMRC software
- Use from multiple locations
- Connect from anywhere in the USA
- Accessible over any stable internet connection
- Encrypted connection
- High flexibility
- Compatible with NEMRC DRA
- Multiple failover systems located in the USA
- Hosted with Amazon Web Services
- Remote assistance from support
- Two-Factor Authentication
NEMRC Cloud Services require a stable, persistent internet connection with a download speed of at least 5Mb/s and upload speed of at least 1Mb/s. This will increase along with the number of active users.
A business class internet connection is recommended.
Client computers must be able to run a windows remote app or a HTML 5 compatible web browser.
There is a setup fee and monthly per user fee. A user is defined as any individual who will login to the service or terminal using the service.