Payroll Support Document

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R. Reports Menu: 4. Check Warrant Report


Click on "R. Reports Menu" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:


Click on "4. Check Warrant Report" from the Reports Menu and the following window will appear:

Check Warrant Report


  1. Select By: Determine if your warrant will select checks by the pay period ending dates or check paid date.
  2. Dates: Select the beginning and ending date range for collecting data.
  3. Order: Employee number OR Check Number: Click to choose whether this report prints in order of Employee number or in order of Check number.
  4. Department: Enter the department you wish to begin with in the first field, and the department you wish to end with in the second field.
  5. Group by Department?: Check this box if you want the warrant to group and sub-total by the employee department code at the time of check payment.
  6. Format: The summary format shows net pay by check and electronic deposit. The detail shows gross pays, deductions, taxes, fringes and net pays for all selected records.
  7. Edit Authorization Section?: Check this box if you need to alter the default section of the warrant that is used to collect signatures from the controlling board.
  8. Enter Warrant Report Number: This is a user defined value that can be used if your procedures call for a value to be assigned to each payroll warrant.
  9. Preview: Click this button to preview this report. Refer to GENERAL PREVIEW for more information.
  10. Print: Click this button to print this report. Refer to GENERAL PRINTING for more information.
  11. File: Click this button to save this report on this computer. Refer to GENERAL FILE for more information.
  12. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to cancel and return to the previous screen.

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