Tax Administration

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10. Display Status


Click on "10. Display Status" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:

Display Status


  1. Find: Enter a Parcel ID, Year, or Name, or click "Find" and select from the drop down menu.


  1. Locations: These locations are carried forward from the Grand List transfer.
  2. Due Date: The dates for the defined number of payments will show on this line.
  3. Principal Due: This line displays the principal balances due for the defined number of payments.
  4. Interest Due: This line displays the interest balances due for the defined number of payments.
  5. Penalty Due: This line displays the penalty balances due for the defined number of payments.
  6. Other Due: This line shows any other amounts due on the account.
  7. Total: This line totals each due date defined values and grand totals plus displays available credit.
  8. OK: Click "OK" to save changes and return to the previous screen.

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