Tax Administration

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7. Add History

Table of Contents

Add History

The "General" tab

The "Miscellaneous" tab

The "Notes" tab

The "Agreement" tab

The "Taxes" tab


Click on "7. Add History" from the Main Menu and the following window will appear:

Add History


  1. Select the Parcel you are seeking. For additional information on finding Parcels, refer to TA GENERAL PARCEL LOOKUPS.
  2. After you select a Parcel, you will need to select a Tax Year. For additional help with finding a Tax Year, refer to TA GENERAL TAX YEAR LOOKUPS.

The "General" tab

The "General" tab will appear:


  1. Name 1: This is the first owners name in last name, first name order.
  2. Name 2: This is the second owners name in last name, first name order.
  3. Address 1: This is the first line of the mailing address for the owner.
  4. Address 2: This is the second line of the mailing address for the owner.
  5. City St Zip: City: This is the city of the mailing address for the owner.
  6. City St Zip: State: This is the state of the mailing address for the owner.
  7. City St Zip: Zip-Code: This is the zip code of the mailing address for the owner.
  8. Location A: This information is usually place in this field by the listers office.
  9. Location B: This information is usually place in this field by the listers office.
  10. Location C: This information is usually place in this field by the listers office.
  11. Exempt from Interest: Check this box to exempt this Parcel from all interest calculations. This is often used when a Parcel goes into bankruptcy.
  12. Exempt from Penalty: Check this box to exempt this Parcel from all penalty calculations. This is often used when a Parcel goes into bankruptcy.
  13. Grand List: Enter the grand list value of this property for the Tax Year being added.
  14. Homestead: Enter the homestead value of this property for the Tax Year.
  15. Housesite: Enter the housesite value for this property for the Tax Year.
  16. 911 Data: Enter the 911 locatable address for this Parcel.
  17. Property Description: Enter the Parcel description as defined by the listers.
  18. Taxmap: Enter the tax map number for this Parcel if there is one defined.
  19. OK: Click this button to save the information entered on all tabs. When this button is highlighted by a red outline, then there aren't any amounts due under the Taxes tab.
  20. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to return to the Main Menu.

The "Miscellaneous" tab

Click on the "Miscellaneous" tab and the following window will appear:


  1. Label1: The user defined labels for these fields are set up under Installation Maintenance.
  2. Enter the contents as defined by the label.
  3. OK: Click this button to save the information entered on all tabs. When this button is highlighted by a red outline then there aren't any amounts due under the Taxes tab.
  4. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to return to the Main Menu.

The "Notes" tab

Click on the "Notes" tab and the following window will appear:


  1. This is a user defined field.
  2. OK: Click this button to save the information entered on all tabs. When this button is highlighted by a red outline then there aren't any amounts due under the Taxes tab.
  3. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to return to the Main Menu.

The "Agreement" tab

Click on the "Agreement" tab and the following window will appear:


  1. This is a user defined field. The contents of the agreement will appear on the "8. Agreement report," found on the Reports Menu. The best practice is to establish a pattern for a monthly review of the Agreements Report for follow up. Note who agreed to what payment schedule on what date.
  2. OK: Click this button to save the information entered on all tabs. When this button is highlighted by a red outline then there aren't any amounts due under the Taxes tab.
  3. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to return to the Main Menu.

The "Taxes" tab

Click on the "Taxes" tab and the following window will appear:


  1. Amounts Billed: Enter the total billing amounts for each type (Principal, Interest, Penalty and Other) by due date.
  2. Amounts Due: Enter the net amounts due for each type (Principal, Interest, Penalty and Other) by due date
  3. Credits: Enter the amount of Credit balance to start on this account.
  4. Discounts Taken: Enter the discount amounts taken if use of discounts have been defined for this Tax Year.
  5. Interest Dates: Enter the last interest calculation date the values of interest entered. This is only available when daily interest is defined in Installation Maintenance.
  6. Lien Date: Enter the date of lien if the property has been processed. This option is available in New Hampshire sites.
  7. Update GL with these values: Check this option to have tax administration post entries to the General Ledger when linked.
  8. OK: Click this button to save the information entered on all tabs. When this button is highlighted by a red outline then there aren't any amounts due under the Taxes tab.
  9. Cancel: Click "Cancel" to return to the Main Menu.

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